chevy equinox won't start after battery replacement

Why won’t my Chevy Equinox Won’t Start After Battery Replacement

What is expected after a battery replacement is the optimal overall performance of the vehicle. But what happens if that is not the case? Sometimes, after you have installed a new battery in your Chevy Equinox, it may fail to start. This can be a cause of great alarm and you may not know what more you can do to get your car in working order. 

There are several reasons why the Chevy Equinox may fail to start after a battery replacement. It can be linked to improper installation of the battery, bad alternator, faulty starter motor, blown fuse, or engine problems. These problems may not be directly linked to the battery but to other components that contribute to the proper starting operation of the car. 

This article explores some reasons why your Chevy Equinox may fail to start even after a battery replacement. 

Why won’t my Chevy Equinox Start after Battery Replacement? 

It is normal to expect that your vehicle will start right away after installing a new battery. However, when this is not the case, you are forced to look into other underlying issues. For starters, it is important to understand the primary role of the battery in a car.

Many car owners and drivers know that the battery is responsible for powering the vehicle’s electronics, engine, and modules while driving. Well, that is true to an extent. What many do not know is that the main source of power as the engine runs is the alternator. This component delivers electricity on demand and recharges the battery. 

The battery is just a power reserve whenever the engine is not running. It delivers powerful current to the starter and even when the key is in the ON position, it continues to power the infotainment system, computer modules, heater fan, lights, and remote functions. Hence, when the car fails to start after a battery replacement, there are other key areas you need to check on. They are as outlined below. 

Poor installation of the battery 

The first thing to check is whether the battery was properly installed. Ensure that the battery cables are tightly secured. A common mistake made when installing a new battery is installing the cables to the wrong posts. When the positive cable is mounted on the negative post, and vice versa, it is referred to as reversing the polarity.

This is a very costly mistake as it can damage the alternator, cause wiring to melt, short the battery, and blow a number of fuses—you will not be able to start your car at all. Hence, it is very important that the battery is properly installed. 

Accidentally leaving interior and/or exterior lights on

Some of the older cars do not come with automatic lights. This makes it very easy to leave the marker lights, interior lights, or headlights on for an extended period of time. If that happens, you will end up with a dead battery, even though it was only recently installed. Thankfully, this can be easily fixed. You will need to charge the battery and turn off the lights. 

Faulty starter 

The starter is a powerful electric motor that starts the engine when the key is turned. Its failure symptoms often mimic those of a dead battery. Therefore, it is very possible to misdiagnose the issue and replace the battery instead. this will not fix the problem, and your car will still fail to start. If you have just installed a new battery, and hear a clicking sound, it could imply a faulty starter motor. 

Alternator problems 

Whenever a new battery does not hold charge when driving is a common indicator of a bad alternator. It could be that the serpentine belt is worn out or the battery was jump-started with reverse polarity. A faulty alternator will not be able to supply sufficient current to sustain the car’s electronics, let alone recharge the battery. This may explain why, even with a new battery, your car fails to start. 

Blown relay or fuse 

Sometimes, the issue can be very simple, you overlooked it. A blown relay or fuse is a likely culprit in this issue as well. You can switch the starter relay with a good one and try again.  

Engine problems

Another likely reason is engine problems. A seized engine will not be able to crank over and you may think the issue is a dead battery or bad starter. If you suspect any engine problems, these may take hours to diagnose and are better left to be handled by a professional. 


What are the Symptoms of a Bad Starter? 

Sometimes, your battery may be in good condition, but the car still does not start. This could imply that the problem lies in the starter. To come to this conclusion, there are symptoms that you are likely to notice. These include inactivity when you push the start button or turn the key, intermittent issues when turning on the ignition, and some clinking, grinding, or whirling noises when starting the ignition. 

What are the Symptoms of a Bad Alternator? 

There are common signs that you should keep an eye on to tell if your alternator is failing. For one, there will be overly bright or too dim headlights, trouble starting the vehicle, frequent stalls, whining noises, malfunctioning or slow accessories, and burnt smells of rubber. 


Many times if the car does not start, it is often linked to the battery. And if the diagnosis was accurate, a battery replacement is the way to go. But it can also happen that the car fails to start even after the installation of a new battery. If you experience this, now you know why it may be the case and what to do next.

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